New CDC Guidelines!

Hi everybody!

Luckily this week was a little slower than the past few as I didn’t have any midterms or big projects due. Even though I had a fair amount of extra time, I wasn’t able to utilize it as I wanted to. Unfortunately it seems that the “June Gloom” came earlier this year than expected, which leaves everyone in Isla Vista a little frazzled as so much of our activities depend on the weather. With all of the fog, cold, and overcast days outdoor activities have been very limited and much less appealing. Sunset walks and beach days have been stalled and the water has been too flat to surf. 

On a happier note, this week the CDC and President Biden shared that it is now safe for fully vaccinated people to go maskless outdoors and indoors. This was great news as it was much earlier than I personally expected it to be. Although this is very exciting, I am also thinking rather cautiously about it. I could see this sharp return to normalcy going fairly horribly, as non vaccinated people could easily claim to be vaccinated. Additionally, I am quite curious to see how long it will take for the new guidelines to be implemented in society. We have been wearing masks for so long that once things return to how they used to be I think it will honestly feel quite strange.

Those seem to be all the updates for the week, as things have been rather dreary there is not much more to say.

Have a great weekend!

Do I need a mask outdoors? CDC says certain activities are safe for fully  vaccinated people
