Pink Moon

Happy Friday!
This week was a very exciting week. On Monday we had the pink moon, which my household was extremely ecstatic about. Unfortunately, the moon was not actually pink, and was actually just a normal super moon. Pictures circulating the internet were very misleading as they showed an actual pink moon, so the event was a little underwhelming. We did some research and found out that it is only called the pink moon because it is in reference to pink flowers that bloom in April, so every year the full moon in April is referred to as the pink moon. It was still a lot of fun and my friends and I took advantage of the opportunity to spend a lot of time outdoors this week. We continued trying to do our sunset walk every night, and we were successful for the most part. Additionally, we stumbled upon a new favorite area to watch the sunset and decided to also watch the pink moon from there. 

I also made a very big decision in my own life this week. As silly as it sounds, the app TikTok has been taking a lot of time out of my day, and although it has been a guilty pleasure during the pandemic to help pass time, I have found myself feeling as though I was wasting my day away while being on it. Additionally, some of the videos that have been circulating the app were bringing some negative energy into my life. At the beginning of the week, I randomly decided to delete the app. It had often become something I would use to fill my time in between activities, but I realized there are a lot of other healthier ways I can spend my time. I thought that it was going to be a painful experience for me to no longer have the app to click on whenever I am bored, but I truly have not missed it much at all and have been trying to find new ways to pass the time that will be more beneficial to me. I downloaded the CNN app so that whenever I am really bored and feel like I have nothing to do, I can go on there and learn more about real world problems. I noticed that I wasn't very informed on what was happening in the world, and since we are living in a time with lots of things going on everyday, such as updates to the pandemic or the new presidency, I decided it would be a much more valuable use of my time to read these articles than to mindlessly scroll on TikTok. I have also decided to read a chapter of a non-school related book everyday, which I was able to justify since I spent much more time on TikTok daily than it takes to read a chapter. I am happy with how this decision has been affecting my life so far and I hope that it continues positively. 

This week's post is a little shorter than normal, but I don't really have any other major updates. Have a great weekend!


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