COVID-19 study... AGAIN!

Hope everyone’s week is going well so far!

This week was another week where I had to travel back home for the covid study. I considered dropping out after I got the vaccine because I am a little tired of going back home so often, however I decided that the morally right thing to do was to stay in the study for the sake of science. Plus, it will be pretty cool when I’m older to be able to say that I participated in the study to get the covid vaccine and end the pandemic. The location for the research study is right next to an urgent care and there is always a line down the block of people waiting to get their vaccine. Seeing situations like that and hearing how many people have gotten their vaccine so far is very reassuring that we are making progress. Hopefully by fall everything will be back to normal for the most part and we will have in person classes. Although online classes have been convenient with other scheduling, I definitely feel like I am missing out on some aspects of my education, partially because I am not applying myself as much simply because I don’t have to. It has been very nice being able to go to the beach or babysit whenever I want to and work my classes around that, but for the sake of the quality of my education, it will be much better to work other parts of my schedule around my classes next quarter. 

Another plus of everything being online is that I have a lot more opportunities for what I can do this summer. I have a couple of family vacations planned, which would normally be very difficult to attend if summer classes were in person or I was working. However, since everything is remote, I will be able to take classes this summer and hopefully have a remote internship, allowing me to really maximize my time this summer.

Midterms are wrapping up, which means finals aren’t far ahead. This quarter, and the whole year frankly, has gone by so quickly. I am not looking forward to this quarter ending because things are going to be so different. In some ways very exciting, as the pandemic comes to a close and things return to normal. But in other ways the stark change will be slightly off putting. I won’t be living with the same friends I am now, I will be in an entirely different house, and I will be so much busier. My friends and I are already worried about growing apart, because even though we will still hang out often, it won’t be the same as living together. This also got us thinking about graduating from college- we only have 2 years left here and after that who knows where everyone will be or how often we will see each other. Although this is sad, it’s just how life is, so while keeping this in perspective we are going to try to make the most of the time we do have together.

Have a great weekend!

Here is a picture of my new duck friends- they hang out outside of our house and are always there :)


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